Additional Rental Charges
School Organizations & Groups: Unless custodian or kitchen needed. Principal may require or waive custodial or other supervisory services.
Government Agency: An additional custodial fee of $30 per hour will be charged unless the group is approved to provide its own custodial coverage.
Staff Use: An additional custodial fee of $30 per hour will be charged unless the staff has been approved to provide their own custodial coverage. Each additional classroom is available for $5.00 each up to 10 classrooms. Users who need 10 to 20 classrooms will incur no additional charges.
Non-Profit: Each additional class is available for $5.00 each up to 10 classrooms. Users who need 10 to 20 classrooms will incur no additional charges. An additional custodial fee of $30.00 per hour will be charged.
For-Profit: Each additional classroom is available for $20.00 each.
Other Charges:
1. Custodial & Field Tech fee's are billed at $30 per hour, including overtime and benefits.
2. Theatre technician is billed at $60 per hour and is required for most theatre use that needs the lighting or sound systems.